A Progress Report

Misha is now nine months old, so here’s a quick progress report:

Misha now understands the words wait, get in and STOP! … and generally complies. She’s learnt to walk happily on her three-metre lead (thanks to wonderful dog-trainer Jo for this tip), and knows now to urinate before a trip in the car. She’s finally stopped resource-guarding tissues, socks, and anything plastic. Amazingly, she hasn’t destroyed the plush toy which friend Sue Dean gave to her when she was just an eight-week-old puppy. Misha is also learning to respect wildlife, and is yet to learn that she can, in fact, swim.

As for me, I’ve learnt patience and to cope with a sometimes-bounding, boisterous puppy. I’m rediscovering how wonderful it is to have a four-footed companion again. Best of all, I get to watch Misha grow into her own little personality as she becomes an adult dog.

There’s still a lot to learn – for both of us. And even more to enjoy.

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