Unveiling Extraordinary Stories,
One Page at a Time

A Digital Platform Showcasing the Captivating Narrative Prowess of Liezl Shnookal

Experience the Best of Contemporary Fiction and Non-Fiction

BUSH TELEGRAPH XPRESS is your premier online destination for an exquisite collection of stories that traverse the realms of fiction and non-fiction. Dive into a world where narratives come alive, crafted by the imaginative mind of Liezl Shnookal, an Australian author.

A woman with long black hair is smiling.
A green background with squares on it.
A book cover with two people standing on the beach

Challenge the Binary Views of the 1980s with Nikki and Jess

Embark on a journey with two young women who dare to be different, as they battle against the gendered social norms of the 1980s. This is a novel that not only entertains but illuminates, offering a vivid glimpse into a pivotal era for women.

A bird with its head in the middle of an apple.

Discover Exotic Wildlife and Amazing People

Liezl Shnookal's visual stories transport you to distant lands, where the wonders of nature and the spirit of humanity intertwine. From the dense foliage of unknown territories to the vibrant souls that inhabit them, experience storytelling that captivates and inspires.

A person sitting in front of a fire.

A Satirical Gaze on Australia’s Climate Crisis

With a sharp wit and an eye for irony, delve into a satirical short story that critiques Australia's response to the climate crisis. This narrative promises a thought-provoking reflection on contemporary issues, wrapped in Shnookal's signature style.

A Personal Account Of Surviving a Catastrophic Bushfire

Liezl Shnookal shares a deeply personal tale of resilience and recovery in the wake of a devastating bushfire. It’s a story of survival that resonates with strength and hope, highlighting the indomitable human spirit.

Two women sitting on lawn chairs looking out a window.

Discover More

Dive deeper into the fictional and non-fictional stories by Liezl Shnookal that are engaging and entertaining but at the same time thought-provoking and insightful. Check out this website to discover modern contemporary tales and enthralling historical fiction. Get transported to a different time and place.